
The year of 2010

Sunset1  Sunset2
Beautiful sunsets, a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Xmas tree  Pool Fence
A pool fence to keep the cows & kids out.
House 1  House 2
From the the top of the hill, pool & carports (March).
Turttle  Fence
In April a passerby on the west side of the house and start of fence to keep the damn cow out.
Wash Gate  BeverTail
The first gate and Bevertail flowers.
Flowers 2  Baby Birds 1
More spring flowers and baby birds in my East patio.
Ceiling Plumbing 1     Plumbing
May brought plumbing.
Baby Birda 2  MBedroom Walls
The baby Birds got bigger and Master Bedroom walls went up.
Electrical  Snake
In June installed electrical wiring and of course snakes are out.
Utility Room  Utility Room 2
And put up the Utility Room.
Big Cat 1  Big Cat 2
Cute little pussy cat.
Storm  Bird
August brought a major storm and saw interesting bird.
Xmass Tree
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!